KAGRA Scientific Congress Newsletter No.5
The fifth issue of KAGRA Scientific Congress Newsletter is now online.
Contents of this issue:
p-1: O3 started
p-2: Directions: On our very near future
p-4: Outreach Activities
p-6: Next Face-to-Face, Previous Face-to-Face
p-7: Previous KIW at Wuhan, China
p-8: Poster Awards
p-9: Newly Joined: National Chiao Tung University
p-10: Newly Joined: National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
p-11: Life in Cambridge and Boston
p-12: Awarded: Hyung Mok Lee, Takaaki Kajita, Yutaro Enomoto
p-13: Links: How much are you ready for O3?
p-14: We found that, published
p-15: New Collaborators
p-16: We hear that …
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