Premiere Issue of KAGRA Scientific Congress Newsletter

The premiere issue of KAGRA Scientific Congress Newsletter is released and now online at

KAGRA Scientific Congress (KSC) is the decision making body of KAGRA collaborators. The aims of KSC are to discuss and to make decisions upon KAGRA science(See here for the details).

Today April 1st, some members of KSC released KSC NewsLetter in order to exchange and share KSC’s activities. It’s free and open to public. Please enjoy!

page-1 Phase-1 operation starts on April 23
page-2 Directions: Towards joining LIGO/Virgo’s O3
page-3 Kamioka: New office is open!
page-4 Upcoming meetings: KIW Ewha Womans Univ.
page-4 Upcoming meetings: Face-2-Face at Osaka City Univ.
page-5 Lab. interview:  Academia Sinica
page-6 Physics: What Stephen Hawking did in Relativity?
+ Recent review talks, KAGRA meeting schedule, We hear that …,  etc